Topic: continuation lines
Topic: token
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Spacing deliminates tokens and improves readability. Usually spacing is only critical between alphanumerics, but in SNOBOL spacing indicates concatenation. Spacing can be used in long numbers to improve readability. (cbb 5/80)
Subtopic: allow blanks in identifiers
Quote: syntactic metalanguage includes an explicit concatenate operator so that identifiers can include blanks [»scowRS3_1982]
| Subtopic: allow blanks in numbers
QuoteRef: scowRS5_1973 ;;9 using spaces (non-printing character) between number digits makes easier to read e.g., 3.1458 26535 89793
| Subtopic: visible space
Quote: word processors often represent spaces by a small dot; simplifies counting and aligning text [»byte4_1982]
| Subtopic: space-driven syntax
QuoteRef: hallJC5_1974 ;;37 a(3) = "xyz" in SNOBOL is setting an array element while a (3) ="xyz" means "in A look for the third element and replace it by the string "xyz"
| Subtopic: problems with tab char
Quote: the tab character is too device-dependent; use a '4-spaces' character for program layout [»stoyJE3_1972]
| Subtopic: avoid spaces
Quote: avoid unnecessary spaces [»cwalK_2006]
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