
Topic: object-oriented templates and containers

topics > computer science > programming > object-oriented programming > Group: type inheritance

abstract data type
function signature
generic operations and polymorphism
interface type
language extension via macros
object-oriented methods
object-oriented prototypes
reusable programming
type parameter


A template is a class with type parameters. A template may use methods and variables of the type. A container is a class that contains typed classes. A container may be restricted to a specific type via a template. A generic is a class with interface and module parameters. The C++ standard template library (STL) is a good example of templates.

A template or generic generates code for each combination of type parameters. They are like macros, without syntactic oddities. It may be difficult to debug templates since the code may be distant from the correspond template definitions.

An interface is a list of type signatures. Interfaces can take the place of templates or generics. (cbb 5/01)

Subtopic: templates up

Quote: a template with type arguments expresses a commonality across types [»stroB_1991]
Quote: templates capture abstractions while retaining performance; at instantiation, compiler has the calling and called context; instantiated only if needed [»dosrG1_2006]
Quote: templates and type inheritance need each other. Without templates, derivation of similar class is tedious; without inheritance, templates lead to massive replication
Quote: C++ Standard Template Library is good example of generic programming; data containers for user types; allows composition; compile time conversion of abstract type to concrete structures [»dehnJC4_1998]
Quote: a C++ template is like a macro that obeys the scope, naming, and type rules of C++; the generated code is like separately compiled code [»stroB_1991]
Quote: templates should not depend on global information; they will be used for unknown types in unknown contexts [»stroB_1991]
Quote: use 'const', 'inline', and 'template' in place of macros and C's preprocessor constructs
Quote: a Cornell_Program_Synthesizer template is a fixed, formatted pattern of keywords, punctuation, and indentation [»teitT9_1981]
Quote: Cornell_Program_Synthesizer templates are abstract computational units; high level of abstraction; user never mired in syntactic detail [»teitT9_1981]
Quote: a procedure template is a sequence of delimiters and parameter markers; for procedure calls by simple sentences [»grovLJ11_1982]

Subtopic: container classes up

Quote: a container class holds objects of another type (e.g., lists, arrays, sets); the type is irrelevant to the definer and crucial to the user [»stroB_1991]
Quote: a base class is commonly used for container classes such as set, vector, and list; the container may be homogeneous or heterogeneous
Quote: define a container class with a type parameter; e.g., a C++ template
Quote: Eiffel's Data Structure Library defines a taxonomy for data structures by access method, traversing, and storage; e.g., CONTAINER class [»meyeB9_1990]
Quote: represent a separate idea as a class; a separate entity as an object; commonality between classes as a base class; and a container of objects as a template

Subtopic: function object up

Quote: parameterize with function objects; inlined; no code for unused template functions; much faster than function pointers [»stroB12_2004]

Subtopic: concept checking up

Quote: want separate checking of templates and their uses; if check the template and its uses against the template's parameter concepts, then instantiations should type check [»dosrG1_2006]
Quote: within a template, x*x is a dependent name that depends on the type parameter; * is an implicit parameter [»dosrG1_2006]

Subtopic: Modula's generics for modules and interfaces up

Quote: Modula-3's generics interact with interfaces and modules, not with the type system; avoids complications of every construct accepting every kind of entity as a parameter [»nelsG_1991]
Quote: in the theory of dependent types, Modula-3's generic interface is a function from module-values to module-types and a generic module is a function from module-values to module-values [»nelsG_1991]
Quote: a generic module in Module-3 only takes interfaces as parameters; independent, typechecked compilation [»nelsG_1991]

Subtopic: mixins vs. templates up

Quote: how to add first-class generic types to Java or C#; mixins fully type checked, unlike templates [»alleE10_2003]

Subtopic: efficiency up

Quote: high performance code using templates and arithmetic types such as FixPoint16; low-level details encoded in constants [»stroB12_2004]
Quote: parameterize with function objects; inlined; no code for unused template functions; much faster than function pointers [»stroB12_2004]

Subtopic: problems up

Quote: templates and type inheritance need each other. Without templates, derivation of similar class is tedious; without inheritance, templates lead to massive replication
Quote: templates can lead to mysterious compiler errors; debugging is difficult [»grayDN5_1998]
Quote: while abstract, vector and string templates are a perilously thin veneer over a mass of complexity; too easy to punch through the veneer

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(34 items)

Updated barberCB 10/04
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