Topic: software change management
Topic: updating information in a distributed system
Topic: version control
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Subtopic: inter-schema
Quote: Harmony synchronizes tree-structured data formats using their schema; handles conflicts [»fostJN8_2005]
| Quote: synchronize disparate schemas using bi-directional, tree transforms (lenses) from input trees to synchronization schemas; controls alignment of information and identifies conflicts [»fostJN8_2005]
| Subtopic: merge
Quote: before release, need to merge bug fixes into main development work; DSEE provides a multi-window interactive merge command to help automate the process [»leblDB5_1984]
| Quote: Cedar isolates changes by requiring an explicit request to merge changes into your version [»leblDB5_1984]
| Quote: merge at a label; to incorporate a new release, merge changes from the old branch to a new branch; not needed in Perforce [»buffJ9_1999]
| Subtopic: rename, reorganize, reformat
Quote: renaming detector for textual merging with renamed identifiers [»malpG9_2000]
| Quote: intelligent diff and merge that allows renaming, reformating, and reorganization; distinguishes comments from code
Related Topics
Topic: software change management (48 items)
Topic: updating information in a distributed system (50 items)
Topic: version control (34 items)