QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;11/3/73 Have sets and lists (control vectors). Are dual or complementary forms is one ordered info and other unordered info
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;2/17/74 File's are timer related and maps are space oriented
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;3/3/74 Both maps and files are ways to take a multi-dimension into one dimension i.e., maps for space and files for process
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;5/27/74 A map gives an entry in a ring-- a holding point. eg, what is this persons name-- Fred i.e., name is an entry to this person
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;5/27/74 The origin of a map is the name of a ring?
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;11/24/74 Maps are sets of entries seen as parts, while rings (worms) are sets of entries seen as wholes
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;11/24/74 Rings are internal forms while maps are external forms
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;1/5/75 Can always see symbol as static (name) or active (value)
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;6/24/75 Have both the structured and linear representation
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;12/12/76 Operands are parallel sets while operators are a sequence
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;12/12/76 Taking an object as parallel components or serial components is a matter of interpretation (map or ring)
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;12/25/76 Maps are selectors while rings and applicators
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;8/7/78 Each name has a static and a dynamic definition (ring/map) the dynamic definition is its value to some processor
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;12/10/78 Purna separates application (the human side) from reduction (the machine side)
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;3/13/74 file processor: follow links and handle interrupts, in the sense that the instructions themselves are handled automatically (are themselves files)