ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: unique numeric names as surrogates
Topic: memory management by free list
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Kaehler, T.,
"Virtual memory on a narrow machine for an object-oriented language ",
OOPSLA '86 Proceedings (SIGPLAN?), pp. 87-106, September 1986.
88 ;;Quote: LOOM uses 16-bit object ids in memory and long ids on the disk
| 88 ;;Quote: LOOM objects store their own 32-bit id; only used by virtual memory code
| 88 ;;Quote: LOOM uses 'leaves' (object stubs) to represent an object that resides on disk
| 94 ;;Quote: when LOOM matures an object, it assigns a long id and a new hashed, memory-id; uses forwarding block at old id
| 95 ;;Quote: LOOM uses freelists for the forty smallest sizes
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
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