ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Group: type checking
Topic: data types in Thesa
Topic: consistency testing
Topic: defensive programming
Topic: flavor analysis and typestates for supplementary type checking
Topic: program proving is infeasible
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Strom, R.E. , Yemini, S. ,
"Typestate: A programming language concept for enhancing software reliability ",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering , SE-12 , 1 , pp. 157-171 , January 1986 .
157 ;;Quote: type checking catches errors which are independent of the context of an operation relative to other operations
| 158 ;;Quote: nonsensical execution causes arbitrary damage; may not effect program behavior until much later
| 159 ;;Quote: a typestate is a type annotation that captures state attributes such as uninitialized; mutually exclusive
| 162 ;;Quote: program verification assumes that nonsensical operations do not occur; i.e., data is valid
| 162 ;;Quote: with typestate checking can not initialize an object in only one branch of a conditional
| 164+ ;;Quote: typestate information forms a lower semilattice
| 164 ;;Quote: algorithm for checking typestate consistency, e.g., initialization
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ThesaHelp: references sa-sz (237 items)
Group: type checking (12 topics, 385 quotes)
Topic: data types in Thesa (92 items)
Topic: consistency testing (60 items)
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