ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: user-centered operating system
Topic: file system reliability
Topic: information as a hint
Topic: self-identifying data structures
Group: file system
Topic: file directory
Topic: unique numeric names as surrogates
Topic: disk allocation
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Lampson, B.W.,
"An open operating system for a single-user machine", in Gelenbe, E., Kaiser, C. (ed.),
Operating Systems. Proceedings of an International Symposium,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 16, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, April 1974, pp. 208-217.
208 ;;Quote: an operating system can provide a variety of facilities instead of being a virtual machine that hides the outside world
| 210 ;;Quote: an operating system can be a collection of procedures that implement useful abstract objects
| 210 ;;Quote: a file system should include a rebuilding procedure to reconstruct the file system; effects system design
| 210 ;;Quote: a page consists of absolutes (file id, version number, page number) and hints (for efficiency, verified, reconstructible)
| 211 ;;Quote: a page's label (file id etc) is always checked before writing; only written when freed or defined
| 212 ;;Quote: the full name of a file is file id, version number, page 0; a directory associates strings with full names
| 212 ;;Quote: each file exists independently; page -1 is a leader page giving its protection, creation date, access data, string name, guardian and owner
| 212 ;;Quote: rebuilding reads all the labels, gets full names for all files, gets free pages, checks directories; takes 30 seconds
| 213 ;;Quote: a file must lie in a single partition (set of tracks); may be specified
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
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Group: file system (9 topics, 285 quotes)
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