ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
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Topic: heap memory management
Topic: memory management by age
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Beck, L.L.,
"A dynamic storage allocation technique based on memory residence time",
Communications of the ACM, 25, 10, pp. 714-724, October 1982.
715 ;;Quote: external fragmentation occurs when free memory is split into two or more fragments; can measure fragmentation by number of separate fragments
| 716 ;;Quote: release-match storage allocation--allocate either at one end of memory, or adjacent to a block with a similar release time
| 716 ;;Quote: age-match storage allocation--allocate either at one end of memory or adjacent to memory with a similar allocation time
| 723 ;;Quote: release-match storage allocation is better than either first fit or best fit
| 723 ;;Quote: age-match storage allocation is better than best-fit if the maximum request size is large relative to the memory available
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