
QuoteRef: kargPA6_1974

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logging data and events
security by audit trail
security leaks and weaknesses
limitations of system security
operating system
password protection


Karger, P.A., Schell, R.R., "Multics security evaluation: vulnerability analysis", ESD-TR-74-193, II, June 1974, HQ Electronic Systems Division: Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts, USA. Google

Other Reference

p. 127-150 in Proceedings of the 18th Annual Computer Society Applications Conference (ACSAC'02), December 2002, IEEE Computer Society. Page numbers estimated.

128 ;;Quote: to ensure security, a reference monitor must be tamper proof, invoked on every data reference, and small enough to be proven correct
128 ;;Quote: security rings and memory segmentation might be provably secure; e.g., Multics, a descriptor-based system
131 ;;Quote: easily attacked Multics security via hardware, software, and procedures; extracted or modified sensitive data without detection; 250 manhours of effort
131 ;;Quote: the subverter frequently sampled the security sensitive hardware; identified code that allowed illegal access to a protected segment; was due to a field modification
142 ;;Quote: the World Wide Military Command and Control System was developed and deployed by uncleared personnel using an open time sharing system; vulnerable to trap door insertions
143 ;;Quote: a compiler or assembler can insert a trap door when compiling a ring 0 module; hidden even when recompiling the compiler
143 ;;Quote: use system initialization code to insert trap doors as the system is booted; initialization is complex and poorly understood
145 ;;Quote: passwords and security audits are no more than "security blankets" as long as hardware and software are vulnerable

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