
QuoteRef: blacSM6_2004

memory management by garbage collection
memory cache
critical regions
memory management by free list
memory management by reference counting
heap memory management


Blackburn, S.M., Cheng, P., McKinley, K.S., "Myths and realities: the performance impact of garbage collection", Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, New York, New York, USA, June 2004, ACM SIGMETRICS, pp. 25-36. Google

25 ;;Quote: comparative study of semi-space, mark-sweek, reference counting, and generational garbage collection; direct and indirect costs of mutator, collector, L1 and L2 cache, TLB misses
25 ;;Quote: contiguous allocation important for cache performance of garbage collection; generational, copying collection is best
26 ;;Quote: generational collectors are better than whole heap collectors in almost all circumstances; lower collection time; write barrier is reasonable
26 ;;Quote: generational collectors perform similarly; use mark-sweep mature space in small heaps
26+;;Quote: generational collectors provide good spatial locality for young objects; mature objects have good temporal locality
26 ;;Quote: nursery size for generational collectors should be well above the L2 cache size
32 ;;Quote: free-list allocation has poor spatial locality; contiguous allocation for young objects is better; use free-list for mature objects
32+;;Quote: generational collectors improving relative to explicit memory management; good use of spatial locality for young objects
33 ;;Quote: reference counting is expensive, especially with cache memory

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