ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: threaded code
Topic: unique numeric names as surrogates
Topic: object-oriented fields
Topic: memory management by reference counting
Topic: stack machine
Topic: object-oriented procedures
Topic: interface type
Topic: primitive functions
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Krasner, G.,
"The Smalltalk-80 virtual machine ",
Byte , 6, 8, pp. 300-320 , August 1981 .
302 ;;Quote: the Smalltalk virtual image is about 300K bytes of objects; needs 6-12K of assembly code
| 302+;;Quote: the Smalltalk virtual machine is 6-12K bytes of assembly code; 40% memory management, 20% interpreter, 40% primitives
| 302 ;;Quote: Smalltalk uses an object id to access an object through a table; allows objects to move in memory
| 304 ;;Quote: Smalltalk-80 uses 16-bit object ids
| 304 ;;Quote: a Smalltalk record for a point contains fields for size, class pointer, and pointers to objects for x and y coordinate
| 306 ;;Quote: Smalltalk-80 uses reference-counting for garbage collection
| 308 ;;Quote: Smalltalk sent messages by pushing pointers for receiver and argument objects on the stack; replaced by pointer to returned object
| 316 ;;Quote: Smalltalk-80 assigned a method dictionary to each class-describing object; associates selectors with methods
| 318 ;;Quote: Smalltalk 80 based on about 100 primitive subroutines; allows rest of system to be flexible and extensible
| 320 ;;Quote: in Smalltalk, high frequency methods implemented as a bytecode instead of dictionary lookup
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