ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: incremental development
Topic: debugging techniques
Topic: immediate computation
Topic: incremental execution
Topic: state
Topic: programming by sequential implementation
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Snell, J.L.,
"Ahead-of-time debugging, or programming not in the dark",
Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Workshop on Software Technology and Engineering Practice, London UK, July 1997, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 288-293.
abstract ;;Quote: ahead-of-time debugging: execute statements as they are typed and update the program state for test cases; better code faster; users liked it
| 288 ;;Quote: when coding a statement, the programmer must recall program states and evaluate the changes for multiple cases
| 290 ;;Quote: example of ahead-of-time debugging: trace effect on test cases as write the code; makes it easy to catch and fix errors
| 291 ;;Quote: informal tests of ahead-of-time debugging show significant bug fixing during code entry, better code faster, more fun than a standard programming environment
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ThesaHelp: references sa-sz (237 items)
Topic: incremental development (74 items)
Topic: debugging techniques (23 items)
Topic: immediate computation (8 items)
Topic: incremental execution (22 items)
Topic: state (35 items)
Topic: programming by sequential implementation (26 items)