Topic: safety, liveness, and system properties
Topic: proving concurrent programs
Group: program proving
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Cook, B., Gotsman, A., Podelski, A., Rybalchenko, A., Vardi, M.Y.,
"Proving that programs eventually do something good",
Conference Record of POPL 2007: The 34th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Nice, France, January 2007, pp. 55-61.
265 ;;Quote: liveness is much harder to prove than safety, yet it is just as important; must prove that g() terminates to prove that h() occurs in f;g;h
| 265 ;;Quote: automatic prover for liveness properties; extension of fair termination prover; handles large systems written in C
| 266 ;;Quote: specify fair termination using Streett automata; fair non-termination iff either first Boolean succeeds only finitely often, or the second succeeds infinitely often
| 267 ;;Quote: prove that program satisfies a specification by proving that a combined program never calls the error function; insert the specification whereever its pattern is triggered
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Topic: safety, liveness, and system properties (22 items)
Topic: proving concurrent programs (37 items)
Group: program proving (10 topics, 311 quotes)