Topic: handling complexity
Topic: hierarchical structures
Topic: spreadsheet
Topic: user-defined languages
Topic: commitment
Topic: incremental development
Topic: reusable programming
Topic: object-oriented prototypes
Topic: function call
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Jones, S.P., Blackwell, A., Burnett, M.,
"A user-centered approach to functions in Excel",
ICFP'03, Proceedings of the Eighth ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, Uppsala, Sweden, August 2003, ACM SIGPLAN, pp. 165-176.
165 ;;Quote: users build elaborate models with spreadsheets; no structure, just a collection of equations
| 165 ;;Quote: user-defined functions for Excel using vectors and matrices as first-class values; parameters as a subset of cells
| 169 ;;Quote: premature commitment -- avoid making a decision before there is information to do so
| 169+;;Quote: reuse existing spreadsheet code by creating a user-defined function; low-cost and low-risk
| 170 ;;Quote: user-defined functions in Excel avoid the definition/invocation distinction; live data at each invocation site
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