ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
Topic: memory management by garbage collection
Topic: memory management by reference counting
Topic: efficiency
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Bacon, D.F., Chenge, P., Rajan, V.T.,
"A unified theory of garbage collection",
OOPSLA '04, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October 2004, ACM, pp. 50-68.
50 ;;Quote: tracing and reference counting are algorithmic duals for garbage collection; live vs. dead objects, anti-operations
| 50+;;Quote: realistic, high-performance garbage collectors combine tracing with reference counting
| 50+;;Quote: uniform cost model for garbage collectors, both tracing and reference counting
| 51 ;;Quote: tracing and reference counting are duals -- tracing the object graph, scanning an object
| 59 ;;Quote: collect cycles in memory by tracing or by regions
| 61 ;;Quote: cost model for garbage collection--unit time for collection, space overhead for metadata, frequency, mutation overhead, and total time overhead
| 66 ;;Quote: a garbage collector needs to partition memory into different strategies, traverse by tracing or reference counting, decide on space-time tradeoffs
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ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e (259 items)
Topic: memory management by garbage collection (116 items)
Topic: memory management by reference counting (23 items)
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