ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: encryption
Topic: hash table and hash functions
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Shannon, C.E.,
"Communication theory of secrecy systems",
Bell System Technical Journal, 28, 4, pp. 656-715, October 1949.
707 ;;Quote: frustrate statistical cryptoanalysis by diffusion and confusion; i.e., dissipate redundancy and complicate the relation of the key to the message
| 712 ;;Quote: a good secrecy system: two substitutions before and after a mixing function; diffuses and confuses redundancy in the message
| 712+;;Quote: a good mixing function for natural language: a transposition followed by a sequence of alternating substitutions and linear operations
| 713 ;;Quote: bad error propagation for secrecy systems based on mixing functions
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ThesaHelp: references sa-sz (237 items)
Topic: encryption (43 items)
Topic: hash table and hash functions (41 items)