ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: database change management
Topic: design languages
Topic: Thesa compiler and loader
Topic: data type as a set of operations
Group: data type
Topic: fundamental concepts such as type, attributes, relationships are all the same
Topic: value as an object
Topic: representing a relationship
Topic: object-defined exception handling
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Zdonik, S.B.,
"Maintaining consistency in a database with changing types",
SIGPLAN, 21, 10, pp. 120-127, October 1986.
120 ;;Quote: arbitrary changes to database schemas are needed for a design environment
| 120 ;;Quote: what happens to old objects and their programs when a type definition changes; assumptions will no longer hold
| 121 ;;Quote: a type specifies behavior, i.e., a set of operations, properties, and constraints
| 121 ;;Quote: types, operations, and properties are themselves objects defined by a type
| 121 ;;Quote: properties are objects which define relations to other objects, e.g., 'works-for'
| 121 ;;Quote: handle modified types by defining error handlers for each version; these handlers fixup an old version's behavior
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ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
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Group: data type (34 topics, 723 quotes)
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