ThesaHelp: references a-b
Group: psychology
Topic: religion
Topic: sociology
Topic: vitalism, the soul
Topic: art
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Becker, Ernest ,
"The Denial of death", New York, Macmillan (Free press) , 1973 .
15 ;;Quote: death is the worm at the core of man's pretensions to happiness?
| 87 ;;Quote: character is a prison, built to deny one's creatureliness
| 87 ;;Quote: what kind of deity would create such complex and fancy worm food
| 149 ;;Quote: the grief of a nation when a leader dies is due to losing one's bulwark against death
| 203 ;;Quote: religion solves the problem of death, which no living individual can do
| 283 ;;Quote: man should act in the lived truth of the terror of creation
| 283+;;Quote: all coercive utopianisms try to legislate the grotesque out of the world
| 285 ;;Quote: the most one can do is to fashion something or ourselves and drop it into the confusion; an offering to the life force
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ThesaHelp: references a-b (396 items)
Group: psychology (9 topics, 303 quotes)
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