
QuoteRef: robiJA1_1965

logic programming


Robinson, J.A., "A machine-oriented logic based on the resolution principle", Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, 12, 1, January 1965, pp. 23-41. Google

abstract ;;Quote: resolution combines substitution with truth-functional analysis; includes proof of completeness and discussion of efficient proof-procedures
23 ;;Quote: resolution is an inference principle specifically designed for computer theorem-proving programs; the complexity of the principle does not matter; permits a very compact, not to say elegant, piece of reasoning
23+;;Quote: an inference principle needs to be sound (i.e., allow only logical consequences) and effective (i.e., algorithmically decidable)
24 ;;Quote: resolution may be the first complete system of first-order logic using just one inference principle
35 ;;Quote: the resolution principle -- from any two clauses, one may infer a resolvent; a refutation is a sequence of resolutions leading to the empty clause; unsatisfiable iff refutation
38 ;;Quote: resolution search principles include purity (one may delete pure clauses), subsumption (C subsumes D if there is a substitution), and replacement (a resolvent may replace a subsumed clause)

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