ThesaHelp: references a-b
Topic: experimental results on programming
Topic: prototyping
Group: requirement specification
Topic: software management
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Boehm, B.W., Gray, T.E., Seewaldt, T.,
"Prototyping versus specifying: A multiproject experiment",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-10, 3, pp. 290-303, May 1984.
297 ;;Quote: compared prototyping vs. specifying on a 3000 line program
| 297 ;;Quote: prototyping produced a smaller product, with less effort than for specified programs; performance roughly equivalent
| 299 ;;Quote: prototyping spent more time testing and fixing, had trouble in integration, and had a worse design than specified programs
| 300+ ;;Quote: prototyping for small, experimental projects with good user-developer rapport
| 300 ;;Quote: specification best for conventional projects or large-scale projects
| 300 ;;Quote: software projects should emphasize risk management: what can go wrong, what would happen, and what has been corrected
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ThesaHelp: references a-b (396 items)
Topic: experimental results on programming (75 items)
Topic: prototyping (18 items)
Group: requirement specification (11 topics, 306 quotes)
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