Topic: state
Topic: reality is a machine
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Topic: vitalism, the soul
Topic: atoms and molecules
Topic: infinity and infinitesimal
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Leibniz, G.W.,
"Correspondence with Arnauld", 1686-1690.
Other Reference
p. 94-138 in Leibniz, G.W., Philosophical Texts, translated by Francks, R., Woolhouse, R.S., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998
134 ;;Quote: every substance expresses the universe; its present state contains its past states and all those to come
| 135 ;;Quote: action of one substance on another due to the inherent connections between things; the present contains the future
| 135 ;;Quote: every substance has a true unity that is indivisible
| 135+;;Quote: in every parcel of matter there is an infinity of created things
| 135 ;;Quote: mechanism and order is essential right down to their smallest parts
| 135+;;Quote: everything equally but in different ways mirrors the beauty of the universe
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