ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: execution tracing
Topic: execution profile
Topic: animation
Topic: monitored variable
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Teitelbaum, T., Reps, T., Horwitz, S. ,
"The Why and wherefore of the Cornell program synthesizer. ",
SIGPLAN , 16, 6, pp. 8-16 , June 1981 .
12 ;;Quote: Cornell_Program_Synthesizer can trace execution on a split screen of program text and program output
| 12 ;;Quote: if display program trace at full speed, brightly lit lines are heavily executed
| 13 ;;Quote: selected variables can be monitored during execution; most-recently-updated variables appear on the screen
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
Topic: execution tracing (39 items)
Topic: execution profile (42 items)
Topic: animation (20 items)
Topic: monitored variable (27 items)