7 ;;Quote: software is expected to absorb too much uncertainty; from customer needs to documentation
7 ;;Quote: software production should be a continuous process; and the absorption of uncertainties should be partitioned
12 ;;Quote: often the right decision can only be determined by implementation; especially in human engineering and user requirement problems
13 ;;Quote: low cost implementation allows design problems to be turned into many independent decisions
19 ;;Quote: uncertainty absorption is simplest when a process is continuously reassured, controlled, and optimized
19+;;Quote: uncertainty absorption is the promise of action which enables others to operate free of uncertainty
26 ;;Quote: meta-programs allow a wheel network organization; reduces number of communication channels and centralizes language creation
26+;;Quote: meta-programmers create the informal, local language used for program descriptions
26 ;;Quote: since meta-programmers define the local language, have efficient feedback communication from the technicians
29 ;;Quote: meta-programs specify programming tasks; primary communication from meta-programmer to technicians