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Topic: abstraction in programming language
Topic: object-oriented prototypes
Group: type inheritance
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Borning, A.H.,
"Classes versus prototypes in object-oriented languages",
1986 Proceedings Fall Joint Computer Conference, ACM and Computer Society of the IEEE, November 1986, pp. 36-40.
36 ;;Quote: use concrete prototypes instead of classes; otherwise, need to design and implement an abstract class before creating an object
| 37 ;;Quote: create a copy of a prototype along with a fixed set of inheritance constraints for field names, methods, and protocols
| 37+;;Quote: an object is a descendant of a prototype if it satisfies all of the inheritance constraints for fields, methods, and protocols
| 40 ;;Quote: prototypes first used for visual programming, Actor languages, exemplars, Biggertalk, and AI representation languages
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ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e (259 items)
ThesaHelp: references a-b (396 items)
Topic: abstraction in programming language (47 items)
Topic: object-oriented prototypes (39 items)
Group: type inheritance (13 topics, 391 quotes)