ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: compiler error checking
Topic: software tools
Topic: function call
Topic: code optimization
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Johnson, S.C., Ritchie, D.M.,
"Portability of C programs and the UNIX system",
Bell System Technical Journal, 57 , 6 , pp. 2021-2048 , July-August 1978 .
2035 ;;Quote: separate program-checking from compilation (e.g., lint); more portable, simpler compilers
| 2035 ;;Quote: UNIX programs have separate functions; e.g., a compiler does not produce listings or cross-references, nor enforce style rules
| 2044 ;;Quote: UNIX programs tend to use many small functions; 20% of time and space can be in function prologue, epilogue and calling sequence
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
Topic: compiler error checking (16 items)
Topic: software tools (20 items)
Topic: function call (28 items)
Topic: code optimization (54 items)