ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: programming with a database of modules
Topic: programming system
Topic: user-centered operating system
Topic: identifying the user interface with the system
Topic: semantic grammar
Topic: text editing
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van Meurs, J., Cardozo, E.L.,
"Interfacing the user",
Software--Practice & Experience, 7, 1, pp. 85-93, January-February 1977.
85 ;;Quote: BACO is a user interface that supplies a framework for linking software modules for applications
| 87 ;;Quote: BACO provides an interface between the user and the software modules of a system
| 89 ;;Quote: BACO calls print routine for PRINT X; since X is a real, its symbol is $$RA (the code for real-to-string conversion)
| 89 ;;Quote: in BACO, install a new command by adding an entry to the symbol table and linking the required routines
| 89 ;;Quote: BACO looks up command for A+B as $R+R where R stands for real
| 90 ;;Quote: BACO stores a program statement as a 'line-image' indexed by its line number
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