ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: file directory
Topic: hierarchical structures
Topic: examples of file systems
Topic: temporary data objects
Topic: disk allocation
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Thompson, K.,
"UNIX time-sharing system: UNIX Implementation",
Bell System Technical Journal, 57, 6 (Part 2), pp. 1931-1946, July-August 1978.
Other Reference
UNIX documentation
1942 ;;Quote: early UNIX systems allowed an arbitrary, directed graph of directories; became too chaotic; even now, multiple links cause problems
| 1943 ;;Quote: forked, Unix process share the same open file table entry; multiple opens of a file share the same i-node table entry
| 1944 ;;Quote: create temporary files be deleting a file while it is open; the unnamed file vanishes when closed
| 1945 ;;Quote: Unix implements 'mount' by a table of leaf i-nodes to block devices; when path reaches leaf, continues at root of the block device
| 1945 ;;Quote: each mounted Unix device has a separate free pool; allows for easy unmounting
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
Topic: file directory (42 items)
Topic: hierarchical structures (43 items)
Topic: examples of file systems (44 items)
Topic: temporary data objects (6 items)
Topic: disk allocation (32 items)