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Topic: operating system kernel
Group: operating system
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Brinch Hansen, P.,
"The nucleus of a multiprogramming system",
Communications of the ACM , 13, 4, pp. 238-241 , April 1970.
238 ;;Quote: use a small system nucleus for multiprogramming: implements internal and external processes, message communication, and privileged functions
| 240 ;;Quote: build a hierarchy of processes on top of the system nucleus; implements operator communication, program scheduling, resource allocation, and other system strategies
| 241 ;;Quote: can implement and execute multiple operating systems on the same system nucleus
| 241+;;Quote: write an operating system with a high-level language and a system nucleus
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ThesaHelp: references a-b (396 items)
Topic: operating system kernel (67 items)
Group: operating system (27 topics, 877 quotes)