ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
Topic: immutable files and data
Topic: flavor analysis and typestates for supplementary type checking
Topic: abstract data type
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Tschantz, M.S., Ernst, M.D.,
"Javari: adding reference immutability to Java",
OOPSLA'05 Conference Proceedings. 20th Annual ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, San Diego, California, USA, October 2005, ACM Press, pp. 211-230.
QuoteRef: birkA10_2004
abstract ;;Quote: Javari type system for expressing and enforcing immutability constraints; distinguishes assignability from mutability; supports generic types, multi-dim arrays, reflection, serialization
| 214 ;;Quote: a field inherits its assignability and mutability from the field's references; mutability is transitive by default
| 215 ;;Quote: an assignable field may be reassigned through a read-only reference; e.g., for recording a hash code
| 215+;;Quote: a mutable field may be changed through a read-only reference; for example, 'log' can be mutated within a read-only method
| 221 ;;Quote: Javari guarantees that a read-only reference cannot be used to reassign any field in the object's protected, abstract state
| 222 ;;Quote: in Javari every class creates two types, the class and its readonly subset
| 223 ;;Quote: read-only should be the default type annotation
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