ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: operating system kernel
Topic: process threads
Topic: interprocess communication
Topic: virtual memory
Group: exception handling
Topic: communication port
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Tevanian, A. Jr., Smith, B.,
"Mach: The model for future Unix",
BYTE, pp. 411-416, November 1989.
411 ;;Quote: the Mach kernel only does scheduling, communication, and virtual memory; everything else at user level
| 411 ;;Quote: a Mach task is the environment for running threads; all threads share virtual memory, communication privileges, and access rights
| 412 ;;Quote: Mach tasks can directly map a memory object into another task's virtual memory; more efficient than Unix
| 414 ;;Quote: an exception in a Mach thread suspends the thread and notifies an exception handler; access thread via exception port
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ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
Topic: operating system kernel (67 items)
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