ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: primitive data type as memory
Topic: universal data type
Topic: self reference
Topic: type retract
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Scott, D.,
"Data types as lattices",
SIAM Journal of Computing, 5, 3, pp. 522-587, September 1976.
522 ;;Quote: Scott's universal domain is the set of all subsets of non-negative integers
| 523 ;;Quote: in Scott's universal domain, an element can be a value, an argument, an integer, a function, and a combinator
| 523+;;Quote: self-application in Scott's universal domain by allowing the same x to be used in two different ways
| 540 ;;Quote: the identity function on functions is a retract for all functions
| 540+;;Quote: a type retract is a function which is the identity on its range
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ThesaHelp: references sa-sz (237 items)
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Topic: universal data type (18 items)
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