ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: programming language design
Topic: programming environment
Topic: examples of programming environments
Topic: structured editors
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Yonke, M.D.,
"A knowledgeable, language-independent system for program construction and modification", University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute, ISI/RR-75-42, October 1975.
Other Reference
Stanford Computer Library #7565
copied some pages
1 ;;Quote: most programming language designs have not encouraged helpful programming environments
| 6 ;;Quote: PCM is a programming environment; it knows the types of each global and what variables and operations are currently defined
| 12 ;;Quote: PCM uses a language definition to set up the environment, e.g., for PASCAL; defines syntax and some of its semantics
| 27 ;;Quote: PCM uses a database of parse trees of each program; PCM uses this information to assist with editing and display
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ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
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Topic: programming environment (46 items)
Topic: examples of programming environments (17 items)
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