Topic: automated testing
Topic: sort algorithms
Topic: syntax analysis
Topic: top-down vs. bottom-up design
Group: debugging
Topic: software portability
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Slutz, D.,
"Massive stochastic testing of SQL", in Gupta, A., Shmueli, O., Widom, J. (ed.),
Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth International Conference on Very Large Databases, New York, NY, USA, August, 1998, pp. 618-622.
By permission of the Very Large Database Endowment
618 ;;Quote: must automate the generation of SQL tests; manually written tests cover a tiny fraction of the SQL input domain
| 618 ;;Quote: automated, stochastic testing of SQL across multiple database managers; randomly generate SQL statements
| 619 ;;Quote: compare SQL queries across multiple vendors; avoid sorting by comparing row counts and column checksums
| 620 ;;Quote: generate SQL by random parse trees and delayed decisions; propagate state information downwards and decisions upwards
| 620 ;;Quote: example of comparing random SQL across multiple database systems; 0.07% had possible errors
| 621 ;;Quote: automatic simplification of erroneous SQL; helped debug problems
| 622 ;;Quote: SQL comparison across database systems not effective for testing NULL, strings, and numeric type coercion; needed for portability
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