ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: identifying the user interface with the system
Topic: keystroke shortcuts as a UserInterface
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Singh, B., Beatty, J.C., Booth, K.S., Ryman, R.,
"A graphics editor for Benesh movement notation", CS-82-41, Waterloo, Ontario, University of Waterloo, December 1982.
29 ;;Quote: the success of a system is entirely dependent on the success of its user interface
| 37 ;;Quote: buttons are good at specifying functions but they distract the user; users can learn location a few buttons (e.g., on mouse); make rest as menu items
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references sa-sz (237 items)
Topic: identifying the user interface with the system (16 items)
Topic: keystroke shortcuts as a UserInterface (22 items)