ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: extensible languages
Topic: user-centered operating system
Topic: enumerated data types
Topic: range data type
Topic: arrays
Topic: Thesa data structures
Topic: command-line as a UserInterface
Topic: global declarations and variables
Topic: data record
Topic: restricted and extended types
Topic: type conversion
Topic: safe use of pointers
Topic: type reflection and introspection
| |
Wirth, N.,
"From Modula to Oberon",
Software--Practice and Experience, 18, 7, pp. 661-670, July 1988.
661 ;;Quote: an operating system should be a set of basic modules; application programming extends the system
| 663 ;;Quote: enumeration types should be dropt; defy extensibility and, with subranges, lead to a type explosion
| 664 ;;Quote: Oberon abandoned index types for arrays; indices start at 0, declarations specify a length
| 664 ;;Quote: no main programs in Oberon; replaced by parameterless procedures (commands)
| 664+;;Quote: a command in Oberon modifies the global state instead of transforming input to output
| 665 ;;Quote: an extended record type in Oberon adds fields to an existing type; retains compatibility with old types
| 666 ;;Quote: assigning an extended type to a base type copies the shared fields only
| 666 ;;Quote: data structures of different extended types that use the same base type
| 666 ;;Quote: Oberon has type tests and type guards for testing extended types given a base type
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
Topic: extensible languages (69 items)
Topic: user-centered operating system (24 items)
Topic: enumerated data types (17 items)
Topic: range data type (17 items)
Topic: arrays (57 items)
Topic: Thesa data structures (59 items)
Topic: command-line as a UserInterface (25 items)
Topic: global declarations and variables (33 items)
Topic: data record (57 items)
Topic: restricted and extended types (34 items)
Topic: type conversion (33 items)
Topic: safe use of pointers (102 items)
Topic: type reflection and introspection (28 items)