Topic: consistency testing
Topic: editing by cut and paste
Topic: program statistics
Group: sequence operations
Topic: sub-sequences
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Li, Z., Lu, S., Myagmar, S., Zhou, Y.,
"CP-Miner: finding copy-past and related bugs in large-scale software code",
IEEE Transactions on software engineering, 32, 3, March 2006, pp. 176-192.
abstract ;;Quote: CP-Miner detects errors due to copy-paste; found 190,000 copy-paste segments and 49 errors in Linux
| 178 ;;Quote: copy-paste segments of 5-15 lines, 12% copied a function, 2/3 renamed a variable, 1/4 modified a statement
| 179 ;;Quote: CloSpan identifies closed, frequent subsequences; O(n^2) if maximum length is constrained; starts with candidate set
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