ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
ThesaHelp: references a-b
Topic: digital signature
Topic: public key encryption
Topic: authentication
Topic: client-server model for distributed systems
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Booth, K.S.,
"Authentication of signatures using public key encryption",
Communications of the ACM, 24, 11, pp. 772-774, November 1981.
abstract ;;Quote: if keys can be compromised, then one of Needham and Schroeder's signature authentication protocols will fail
| 773 ;;Quote: can allow for compromised keys if the authentication server adds a signed copy of the sender's public key to the message
| 773 ;;Quote: can allow for a compromised authentication server by getting multiple attestations for the sender's public key from the sender and independent arbiters
| 773 ;;Quote: an authentication server can act like a notary public; validation of public keys is a natural extension of its public key service
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ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e (259 items)
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Topic: digital signature (23 items)
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