ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: programming style
Topic: literate programming
Topic: program web
Topic: understanding systems
Topic: limitations of hierarchical structures
Topic: top-down vs. bottom-up design
Topic: size of hypertext nodes
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Knuth, D.E.,
"Literate Programming",
The Computer Journal, 27, 2, pp. 97-111, 1984.
97 ;;Quote: literate programs written for understanding by humans; programmer as essayist; concepts presented in best order either formally or informally
| 97 ;;Quote: Knuth found literate programming a much better way of programming
| 97 ;;Quote: express a program as a web of ideas with structural relationships with neighbors
| 98 ;;Quote: weaving a WEB program into a document; tangling it into a program
| 99 ;;Quote: in WEB, refer to parts of the program by an informal top-level description
| 99 ;;Quote: in WEB a section's comments motivates and explains its program text
| 106 ;;Quote: installation procedure for WEB
| 107 ;;Quote: complex software consists of simple parts and relations; the programmer's goal is human comprehension
| 107 ;;Quote: top-down programming is goal oriented but final decisions not made until the end
| 107 ;;Quote: bottom-up programming increases functional power but lacks organization
| 108 ;;Quote: in WEB each part of program has its appropriate size
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
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Topic: top-down vs. bottom-up design (30 items)
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