ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: Turing machine
Topic: history of computers
Topic: history of programming
Topic: what is a computer
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Williams, F.C., Kilburn, T.,
"Electronic digital computers",
Nature, 162, pp. 487, September 25, 1948.
Other Reference
487 ;;Quote: announcement of Manchester "baby" computer; universal, fully electronic, 32 words of storage, adders, multipliers, control unit
| 487 ;;Quote: Manchester "baby" computer is universal; negate x, subtract x, test sign of accumulator, goto, and stop
| 487 ;;Quote: Manchester "baby" computer programmed for long division and factoring
| 487+;;Quote: Manchester "baby" computer correctly ran 3.5 million operations in 52 minutes
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ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
Topic: Turing machine (30 items)
Topic: history of computers (66 items)
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