
QuoteRef: leibGW_1686

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abstraction by common attributes


Leibniz, G.W., "General investigation concerning the analysis of concepts and truths", unpublished manuscript, 1686. Google

Other Reference

p. 28-77, in O'Briant, W.H. (translator), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's General Investigations Concerning the Analysis of concepts and Truths, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1968, mainly based upon Couturat's 1901 translation.

24 ;;Quote: Leibniz's work in logic remained unpublished and largely unknown until the turn of the century; Boole, Frege, and Peano may have known of his aims in logic
34 ;;Quote: 'A is the same as B' is a reciprocal relation that signifies that one can be substituted for the other in any proposition without destroying its truth
35 ;;Quote: if expand an equivalence to simple primitives both sides will be the same; A and B are coincidents
35 ;;Quote: if A is the subject and B the predicate, B can be substituted for A without destroying the truth; i.e., primitive terms in B are also primitive terms in A
36 ;;Quote: A and A are the first coincidents
36+;;Quote: A and non-A are the first disparities; i.e., it is false that some A is B
36+;;Quote: if A is B, it is false that A is non-B
38 ;;Quote: every proposition is true or false; if L is false, it is non-true
44 ;;Quote: A is true, if when we put A's value in place of A, a contradiction never occurs; reduce to simple primitives
45 ;;Quote: necessary truths are those that reduce to identity; impossibles are those that lead to contradiction
45 ;;Quote: to be certain of truth, analyze to the fundamentally true or prove that a contradiction will never occur; the latter can eliminate a long continuation
45 ;;Quote: possible truths are those that do not lead to contradiction; contingent truths lack resolution even if continued to infinity
45+;;Quote: a false term leads to contradiction; a true term does not
52 ;;Quote: Leibniz's goal: to conceive all propositions in the form of terms
64 ;;Quote: the true is what can be proved or analyzed; the false is what is contrary
64+;;Quote: the necessary reduces to an identity; the impossible reduces to a contradiction; the possible is not impossible
66 ;;Quote: all truths can be explained by numbers
66+;;Quote: absolute and hypothetical truths have the same laws; syllogisms are categorical
66 ;;Quote: 'something is B' is nothing other than B-ness itself; abstractions are attributes
72 ;;Quote: A=A, non-A=non-A, AA=A, non-non-A=A, if A=B then AC=BC for some C, if A=B then non-A=non-B, if A=B then A!=non-B
72+;;Quote: A-non-A is not a thing

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