Topic: code optimization by global analysis
Topic: probabilistic and randomized algorithms
Topic: symbolic execution
Topic: interpreter
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Gulwani, S., Necula, G.C.,
"Global value numbering using random interpretation",
POPL 2004: The 31st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Venice, Italy, ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT, January 2004, pp. 342-352.
abstract ;;Quote: a complete, polynomial-time randomized algorithm for global value numbering to detect equivalent expressions
| abstract+;;Quote: random interpretation assigns random linear interpretations to operators and executes with random inputs; combines program states with a random affine combination
| 342 ;;Quote: expression equivalence used for constant and copy propagation, common sub-expression elimination, invariant code motion, induction variable elimination, branch elimination, branch fusion, and loop jamming
| 342 ;;Quote: Herbrand expression equivalence treats operators as uninterpreted functions; used for global value numbering; expression equivalence is undecidable
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