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Topic: information retrieval by relevance
Topic: problem of classifying information
Topic: geometry
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Bohm, C., Berchtold, S., Keim, D.A.,
"Searching in high-dimensional spaces--Index structures for improving the performance of multimedia databases",
ACM Computing Surveys, 33, 3, September 2001, pp. 322-373.
abstract ;;Quote: survey on querying multimedia databases; similarity search via feature transformation into a high dimensional space
| 325 ;;Quote: curse of dimensionality; space behaves differently above 10-d; volume and area depend exponentially on dimension
| 326 ;;Quote: in higher dimensions, most of the volume of a cube is near its surface; volume grows exponentially with dimension
| 326 ;;Quote: an index partition in high-dimensional space spans most of the space in most dimensions, from border to border; coarse partitioning
| 326 ;;Quote: reasonably selective range and nearest-neighbor queries have a huge extension in each dimension
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