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Topic: machine code and assembly language
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Portal sites:
Useful books and links:
- Turbo Debugger --16-bit debugger. Thank you Borland.
MASM32 -- 32-bit assembler (freeware). Lots of extras.
WinDBG -- 32-bit Debugging Tools for Windows
- Examples -- Examples of assembly language coding styles
- x2ftp -- massive collection of assembly language programs
Iczelion's Win32asm -- Excellent tutorials and links. Active message board. Includes downloads for Masm 6.15, Win32 API, Win32 KnowledgeBase, Winsock API
Hutchesson's Masm32 -- Masm-based package for Windows programming. Includes active forums, updated include files,
Win32 Assembler FAQ
Flat assembler -- all the latest instructions
Visual Assembler -- good coverage. Includes PDFs for MASM 6.1 reference and programmer's guide
RadASM IDE - IDE for assembly
HLA -- High Level Assembly Language by Randall Hyde
WinDBG -- Microsoft's (Low-level) Debugging Tools for Windows
Assembly Language Tools -- comparisons, links, and samples
Donkey's Stable links -- useful assembly language links
Radburn's examples -- Window's skeleton, PEview, fractals
Ollydbg -- open source debugger
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ThesaHelp: buy the source for Thesa
Topic: machine code and assembly language (49 items)