ThesaHelp: getting started with Thesa
ThesaHelp: help with quotations
ThesaHelp: help with references
ThesaHelp: help with search
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Thesa organizes its quotations into topics. Each topic belongs to a group of topics, defining a topic hierarchchy. The root of the hierarchy is (Group: topics). Each topic or group lists other related topics, and may include a summary. Related links are two way: if Topic A is related to Topic B then Topic B is related to Topic A. Subtopics consist of related quotations with a headnote. Abstract, high-level subtopics come first. Problems and negative subtopics go last.
Thesa was built by:
Identify useful journals, abstracting services, and literature reviews.
Read and browse for useful ideas.
Capture each idea by extracting quotations.
Assign a title to each quotation.
Sort the titles into one or more topics.
Assign each title to a subtopic.
Create new topics and subtopics as needed.
Interrelate topics as needed.
Titles of topics and groups start with "Topic:", "Group:", "ThesaGroup:", "KMSgroup:", or "KMStopic:". Links from a group to a sub-group includes the total number of folders in the sub-group and its sub-groups. Quotations are counted once for each occurrence, so top-level groups will over-count the number of actual quotations.
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: getting started with Thesa
ThesaHelp: help with quotations
ThesaHelp: help with references
ThesaHelp: help with search