KMStopic: integrated browser and editor
KMStopic: point-and-click user interface
KMStopic: use of space in user interface
KMSgroup: hypertext
KMStopic: data model and user interface
KMSgroup: hypertext navigation
KMStopic: KMS and ZOG goals
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Subtopic: hypertext vs. desktop metaphor
KMSquote: hypertext can have a simple, standard user interface (better than desktop metaphor) [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
| Subtopic: customization
KMSquote: users like to customize the user interface [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
| KMSquote: user profiles in KMS for mouse parameters, initial frame, etc.
| Subtopic: logging
KMSquote: KMS and ZOG instrumented for logging user activity (more than 400,000 sessions) [»akscRM7_1988, OK]
KMSgroup: user interface
KMStopic: integrated browser and editor (7 items)
KMStopic: point-and-click user interface (14 items)
KMStopic: use of space in user interface (6 items)
Related Topics
KMSgroup: hypertext (6 topics, 81 quotes)
KMStopic: data model and user interface (2 items)
KMSgroup: hypertext navigation (4 topics, 55 quotes)
KMStopic: KMS and ZOG goals (13 items)