
Quote: Amoeba assigns a 128- or 256-bit capability to every object; contains server port, object number, rights field, and check field

topics > all references > references t-z > QuoteRef: taneAS12_1990 , p. 48

security by capabilities
communication port

Quotation Skeleton

Associated with each object [in Amoeba] is a capability, … (not necessarily all) operations on that object. … [p. 48] It is 128 bits long and contains … [48 bit server port, 24 bit object number, 8 bit rights field, 48 bit check field. (p.59) Amoeba 5.0 will use 256-bit capabilities.] … [p.49] When a capability arrives at a server, … the object. … [If all the rights bits of the capability are 1] the server knows that the capability is … in its table with the contents of the … If some of the rights bits are 0, … of the original random number in its table … the output of the one-way function agrees with …   Google-1   Google-2

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Additional Titles

Quote: Amoeba verifies an owner capability with full rights by comparing check field with table entry
Quote: Amoeba verifies a derived capability with partial rights by checking the one-way function of the xor of rights field with table entry

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Topic: security by capabilities (65 items)
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