
Quote: design and test user interfaces with simple paper prototypes that are moved in response to user's actions; allows early, repeated testing of ideas

topics > all references > references p-r > QuoteRef: rettM4_1994 , p. 21

testing and evaluating user interfaces

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Consider this familiar situation: a development team spends … The team just barely has time to incorporate … [users'] comments … before committing their work to production. Now consider … During the first few days they construct a … and test it with typical representatives of the … table in response to the user's actions. The … This process continues until, at the end of … it with many typical users. … [p. 27] [Despite initial skepticism about this technique, people] invariably say something to the extent … [cf., Hix D. and Hartson, R., Developing user interfaces NY: John Wiley & Sons 1993].   Google-1   Google-2

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