
Quote: space is relative to a body; it is all possible continuations of a body by adjacent bodies

topics > all references > references e-f > QuoteRef: einsA_1956 , p. 3

special relativity
spatial vs. temporal representation


For the concept of space the following seems essential. We can form new bodies by bringing bodies B, C, ... up to body A; we say that we continue body A. We can continue body A in such a way that it comes into contact with any other body, X. The ensemble of all continuations of body A we can designate as the "space of the body A." Then it is true that all bodies are in the "space of the (arbitrarily chosen) body A." In this sense we cannot speak of space in the abstract, but only of the "space belonging to a body A."   Google-1   Google-2

Published before 1923

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