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QuoteRef: faraM_1844 ;;Faraday, Experimental Researches in Electricity
QuoteRef: faraM_1855 ;;Faraday, Experimental Researches in Electricity
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QuoteRef: feigEA5_1996 ;;Feigenbaum, How the "what" becomes the "how"
QuoteRef: feinS1_1982 ;;Feiner, Nagy, van Dam, An experimental system for creating and presenting interactive graphical documents
QuoteRef: feinS3_1988 ;;Feiner, Seeing the forest for the trees: hierarchical display of hypertext structure
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QuoteRef: feldDC8_1989 ;;Feldmeier, Karn, UNIX password security--Ten years later
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QuoteRef: feldJA8_1969 ;;Feldman, Rovner, An Algol-based associative language
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QuoteRef: feldSI4_1979 ;;Feldman, Make--A program for maintaining computer programs
QuoteRef: feldS_1990 ;;Feldman, Gentleman, Portability--A no longer solved problem
QuoteRef: fenwP4_1998 ;;Fenwick, Symbol ranking text compressors: review and implementation
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QuoteRef: fenwP7_2001a ;;Fenwick, Some perils of performance prediction: a case study on pattern matching
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QuoteRef: ferrT9_1982 ;;Ferris, Physics' newest frontier
QuoteRef: feynR12_1959 ;;Feynman, There's plenty of room at the bottom (transcript from the Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society of the California Institute of Technology, December 29, 1959)
QuoteRef: feynRP11_1963 ;;Feynman, "The problem of teaching physics in Latin America", Transcript of keynote speech given at the First Inter-American Conference on Physics Education in Rio de Janeiro
QuoteRef: feynRP6_1956 ;;Feynman, The relation of science and religion
QuoteRef: feynRP9_1969 ;;Feynman, What is Science?
QuoteRef: feynRP_1963 ;;Feynman, Leighton, Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat
QuoteRef: feynRP_1963x
QuoteRef: feynRP_1964 ;;Feynman, Leighton, Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, mainly electromagnetism and matter
QuoteRef: feynRP_1965 ;;Feynman, Leighton, Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Quantum Mechanics
QuoteRef: feynRP_1974 ;;Feynman, Cargo cult science: The 1974 Caltech commencement address
QuoteRef: feynRP_1985 ;;Feynman, QED. The strange theory of light and matter
QuoteRef: feynR_1965 ;;Feynman, The Character of Physical Law
QuoteRef: fialER4_1989 ;;Fiala, Greene, Data compression with finite windows
QuoteRef: fielRT5_2002 ;;Fielding, Taylor, Principled design of the modern web architecture
QuoteRef: filmRE_1982 ;;Filman, Friedman, Models, languages, and heuristics for distributed computing
QuoteRef: finkRA_1986 ;;Finkel, An Operating Systems Vade Mecum
QuoteRef: fiscG5_1989 ;;Fischer, McCall, Morch, Design environments for constructive and argumentative design
QuoteRef: fishG7_1987 ;;Fischer, Cognitive view of reuse and redesign
QuoteRef: fishGS1_1986 ;;Fishman, Moore, An exhaustive analysis of multiplicative congruential random number generators with modulus 2^31-1
QuoteRef: fishJ10_1978 ;;Fishbeck, Writing P-I-D control loops easily in BASIC
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QuoteRef: fittPM6_1954 ;;Fitts, The information capacity of the human motor system in controlling the amplitude of movement
QuoteRef: flanC6_2000 ;;Flanagan, Freund, Type-based race detection for Java
QuoteRef: flanC6_2003 ;;Flanagan, Qadeer, A type and effect system for atomicity
QuoteRef: flonL9_1974 ;;Flon, A survey of some issues concerning abstract data types
QuoteRef: florAR1_1997 ;;Flora-Holmquist, Morton, O'Grady, Staskauskas, The virtual finite-state machine design and implementation paradigm
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QuoteRef: florCF_1980 ;;Flores, Ludlow, Doing and speaking in the office
QuoteRef: floyC_1984 ;;Floyd, A systematic look at prototyping
QuoteRef: floyRW8_1979 ;;Floyd, The paradigms of programming
QuoteRef: flynMJ9_1987 ;;Flynn, Mitchell, Mulder, An now a case for more complex instruction sets
QuoteRef: fodoJA_1987 ;;Fodor, Modules, frames, fridgeons, sleeping dogs, and the music of the spheres
QuoteRef: fordB7_1978 ;;Ford, Parameterization of the environment for transportable numerical software
QuoteRef: formIR9_1982 ;;Forman, Global Data flow analysis by decomposition into primes
QuoteRef: forsJ6_2000 ;;Forsyth, McKinsey report on e-marketing
QuoteRef: fostJM6_1977 ;;Foster, Foster, Abstract data and functors
QuoteRef: fowlM11_2001 ;;Fowler, To be explicit
QuoteRef: fowlM3_2001 ;;Fowler, Separating user interface code
QuoteRef: foxEA7_1991 ;;Fox, Chen, Daoud, Heath, Order-preserving minimal perfect hash functions and information retrieval
QuoteRef: franL12_1999 ;;Frank, Evaluation of the basic remote backup and replication methods for high availability databases
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QuoteRef: franM3_1997 ;;Franz, Dynamic linking of software components
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QuoteRef: franN8_1977 ;;Francez, Another advantage of keyword notation for parameter communication with subprograms
QuoteRef: franR5_1996 ;;Franceschini, Mukherjee, Data compression using encrypted text
QuoteRef: franRJ4_1978 ;;Frank, The patentability of software inventions
QuoteRef: franRS4_1983 ;;Francis, Containment defines a class of recursive data structures
QuoteRef: frasCW1_1992 ;;Fraser, Hanson, Simple register spilling in a retargetable compiler
QuoteRef: frasCW3_1980 ;;Fraser, A generalized text editor
QuoteRef: frasCW5_1999 ;;Fraser, Automatic inference of models for statistical code compression
QuoteRef: frasCW5_1999a ;;Fraser, Proebsting, Finite-state code generation
QuoteRef: frasCW6_1983 ;;Fraser, Hanson, A high-level programming and command language
QuoteRef: frasCW6_1984 ;;Fraser, Myers, Wendt, Analyzing and compressing assembly code
QuoteRef: fredMl7_1999 ;;Fredman, On the efficiency of pairing heaps and related data structures
QuoteRef: freeAL2_1984 ;;Freedman, comment under General discussion
QuoteRef: freeBN1_1990 ;;Freeman-Benson, Maloney, Borning, An incremental constraint solver
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QuoteRef: fregG_1879 ;;Frege, Begriffschrift, a formula language, modeled upon that of arithmetic, for pure thought
QuoteRef: fregG_1884 ;;Frege, Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik
QuoteRef: fregG_1892 ;;Frege, Ueber Sinn und Bedeutung
QuoteRef: freiP4_2000 ;;Frei, Su, Mikhak, Ishii, ??curlybot??: Designing a new class of computational toys
QuoteRef: freiRA11_1974 ;;Freiburghouse, Register allocation via usage counts
QuoteRef: frenRM1_1990 ;;French, Subcognition and the limits of the Turing Test
QuoteRef: freuE4_1986 ;;Freund, Hoyer, Pathfinding in multi-robot systems: Solution and applications
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