ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
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Topic: operating system kernel
Topic: security by capabilities
Topic: non-preemptive task scheduling
Topic: plan-based task scheduling
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Engler, D.R., Kaashoek, M.F., O'Toole, J., Jr.,
"Exokernel: an operating system architecture for application- level resource management",
Operating Systems Review, 29, 5, December 1995, ACM Press (SIGOPS), pp. 251-266.
Other Reference
Proc of the Fifteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
251 ;;Quote: traditional operating systems hide information about machine resources with high-level abstractions; prevents domain-specific optimization and discourages alternatives
| 251 ;;Quote: an exokernel separates protection of a physical resource from its management; an exokernel does not provide high-level concepts such as windows and files
| 251 ;;Quote: an exokernel exports secure binds to hardware resources with cooperative resource revocation and forced revocation
| 252 ;;Quote: an exokernel allows much faster protected control transfers and exception dispatch; five to seven times faster than the best reported implementation
| 253 ;;Quote: exokernel interfaces are non-portable; use an library operating system to implement a standard interface
| 255 ;;Quote: an exokernel uses capabilities to guard access to physical memory pages
| 263 ;;Quote: Aegis provides 'yield' to prematurely end a time slice; allows applications to implement a scheduling algorithm; e.g., deterministic, proportional-share, stride scheduling
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